Our friend Jaypé was helping us take some photos at the yoga studio tonight, and we were fretting about bothering him. He had been peacefully reading when I hollered at him to come take the photo for us.
He shrugged it off and he said to me, “you know what my mother says? We have more time than life.”
I have been intending to put together this post for the last few days since the pandemic exploded into our collective consciousness, but I have been hustling: building websites (this one), learning new music skills, reading, creating online yoga and exercise classes, and generally drinking too much coffee.
But the point is that I am staying busy, and I am focusing on coming out on the other side a better person, and so is Lauren. I see this as a once in a lifetime chance to pivot and devote all of my energy to my passions.
The quote from his mom perfectly encapsulated my mindset about this thing.
We can either be passive victims during this extremely weird time, or we can be active participants in the time that we have been offered.
So, you could either sit around watching Netflix and fucking around on your phone, or you could read that giant book you’ve always said you’d read. You could learn to speak Spanish, or you could learn to play the piccolo or something.
Seriously: this situation does not have to be a disaster, and you do not have to be a victim. Take advantage of this time. Seize the opportunity to enhance your life and those of the people around you.
Make the world better by bettering yourself. You have this time— don’t waste it.